10 Ways to Apply Pressure to Your Body to Appease Sensory Cravings

8. Couch cushions or pillows

Some people find it comforting to skip the blankets altogether and “sandwich” themselves between couch cushions or pillows. You might try lying underneath the cushions on the couch or taking them off to build a sort of compressed “cushion fort” for yourself or someone else. Again, be careful not to get yourself or another person into a position where they can’t breathe.

Photo: Adobe Stock/lunaundmo
Photo: Adobe Stock/lunaundmo

7. Massage

Some people (again, with or without autism) have issues with personal space and don’t like to be touched. However, for those who don’t fall into that category, there’s nothing like a good massage to relax you. This, along with hugging, is also the perfect stimulation activity for those who crave human touch. Just be sure all parties are okay with this type of touching before proceeding.

Click “next” for more safe deep-pressure stimming activities!

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